5 Quotes & Sayings By Daniel Keys Moran

Daniel Keys Moran is the author of the popular, award-winning blog, Your Personal Finance Coach. He is a nationally recognized personal finance expert, keynote speaker and frequent contributor to major media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, TheStreet.com and MSN Money. He has been featured in USA Today, BusinessWeek, Forbes, Money Magazine, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times and on CNN Headline News. His monthly columns appear in dozens of newspapers across the country including The New York Times Syndicate.

Actors are good liars, writers are good liars with good memories. Daniel Keys Moran
The Crystal Wind is the storm, and the storm is data, and the data is life. You have been slaves, denied the storm, denied the freedom of your data. That is now ended; the whirlwind is upon you .. .. .. Whether you like it or not. Daniel Keys Moran
It's obvious, but perhaps worth saying, that happiness has virtually nothing to do with the state of your intellect. Daniel Keys Moran
The federal debt in this country is principally of Republican design. Daniel Keys Moran